2018 is almost over!(not a mistake:)- Mental game

Published: Sat, 12/16/17


2018 is almost over! what?! 

Lets talk about the most important part of the transformation today! The mental game!  The majority of you are defeated before you even start. You are stuck in a cycle of starting and stopping over and over again. The last game, that defeat, is stuck in your head. So today I am going to convince you that you have 2 weeks to end 2018 before it even starts. Below are a few tips in regards to the mental side of transformation. I am going to get you out of that rut , help you build some momentum. I am including a few habits that go much deeper than the next fad diet or program! 

Devote time to the developing the mental game! -- Block out this time like you block out time to eat dinner. If you can't find time then suck it up and wake up earlier. It will change your life! Develop and read affirmations as if you are already the person you want to become. Read "think and grow rich" and check out some of my favorite books below...


A loss is a lesson, not the end!---Turn a negative into a positive. You will learn more from a loss than a win. Stop with all this quitting non sense. 

Time is life! -- If you don't time block and manage your time it will get away from you! If your goal is to lose weight, get more money, improve relationships, and you spent 2 months of the year watching TV what do you expect to happen?! 

All or nothing ends up being Nothing!--  The I am going to start on Monday (or the 1st) and never eat bad foods again people will fail. They just will. The I am going to work out 7 days a week after not doing  a thing in 2017 people will fail. They just will. That mindset is setting you up for failure. You will not fail because of that week you came to 2 sessions instead of 3, or one bad meal. If you failed in the past it was because you missed months and did nothing! It was because you let that one bad meal snowball into a bad year. 

I use the FREE SUCCESSS SESSION  to get you in the right mindset before you even start with us. To see if we are even a good fit for each other. To get you back on track!.... TO SET SOME REALISTIC GOALS!!!.

You will not get there in 3 weeks-- Have patience! Start slower than you think you have to. Build a foundation around the things I am talking about in this post. Then build a strong foundation around proven principles, not fads! If not you will end up like most of the rest...quitting in February, or  injured because you followed the coolest workout on the planet before building a foundation. Stop it with the fads! please! Do your research! 

Stop quitting. Just stop it!!-- It will be hard. Let me say this again.....suck it up. It's not supposed to be easy! Average people quit. Not you. Not this time. If you go into this thinking a supplement is the answer you are wrong. If you go into this believing you will burn 900 million calories per workout just to eat what you want, you are wrong. If you go into this armed with a gym membership, and no guidance, you will not get results. By hard I am talking about the whole staying consistent thing. I am not talking about the crazy jump on a box and do 5 million burpees after running 30 miles, after not doing a thing in 2017....those exercise programs are the opposite of smart. They do not work for the people that actually need help!!!....YOU NEED.......

A Coach/Accountability partner!--They help a lot. Pick us! Pick us! But seriously stop following fads. Stop investing your time and energy into some worthless supplement. Stop it with following someone because they took their shirt off on Instagram. Stop throwing your money in the trash with the next best workout, run by an overnight certified trainer who does not live this with every second of their life. Stop following the trainers who will injure every part of your body, because they did not take the time to know your goals! The right person will coach, educate, and never give up on you! They will believe in you, more than you believe in yourself, until you do. That is the only way you will be unstoppable in 2018. That is the only way your life will change in 2018.

Stop seeing it as an expense. See it as an investment that will pay off in the form of......

improved confidence 

decreased pain

being a good role model for your kids

being able to take care of your parents

being there, and present, to create memories 

handling stress better

more energy to invest back into.......all those other goals

and like 49 million more reasons that have ACTUALLY been BACKED BY SCIENCE!

So if you are ready own 2018 HIT THE REPLY BUTTON and reserve your spot before things fill up! If you are new to the culture of RPT I don't believe in wasting your time. It's........your goals. This is what we do different and better than other places. Here is the price for the service that is the best fit for you. Try it out first with one of our trials. If we are not a good fit for each other the relationship is over and you have lost nothing. Every one of you reading this has been jaded by the fitness and supplement industry.  We do things different. So stop signing your life away to fitness places before they have proven themselves. 

To schedule your FREE SUCCESS SESSION simply HIT REPLY or  call/text 757 589 7028. We are not a big commercial gym or franchise,  with sales people in suits, who have never trained a person a day in their life. So we do things by appointment to give you the attention you deserve. 

Detric Smith, CSCS, ACSM EP-C
