Punch the Clock Workouts?!

Published: Sun, 08/27/17

I know some of you who train with us want to punch the clock , and us, when we say 10 more seconds...but that is not what we are going to talk about today! I do need to start off by saying that the things I write about are things I know because I am a genius.

(genius- a person who has screwed it up like 5 to 6 times, before they actually figured out what they were doing was wrong)

There is a thing I like to call "punch the clock workouts." This is not a new exercise or workout plan guaranteed to melt 50lbs of fat off of you in a week. It's a description of a workout that simply does not get discussed in the fitness industry.

I heard about this from one my mentors in this industry, Dan John. We all have 3 types of training sessions.

One is the superhero workout! This is where you had 8 hours of sleep, stress levels were low, nutrition was dialed in, and not a single joint in your body was bothering you. You fly into the room with a smile on your face ready to smash your goals and set new personal records!! You might also have a superhero workout if you were given a speeding ticket on the way to the gym, or anything that increases adrenaline. We are going to keep this positive and focus on healthy habits!

Two is the "well, at least I showed up" workout. This is when you arrived, but it was not your best day. Not even close.

Three is what I like to call the "punch the clock" workout. You show up and it's not your best or worst workout. The magic is actually here, believe it or not. These are the workouts you really need to be tracking over time. It is hard to believe because you have never seen a youtube video featuring a "punch the clock" workout! They don't make memes about these workouts. It is not something that is marketed in the fitness industry, because, well, it is not very exciting. To be honest, like most people, I am never going to show you my punch the clock workouts.

Your ratio of the different types of workouts will vary quite a bit based on stress levels, sleep, nutrition, and other lifestyle factors. A few tips below to make sure you are in the right mindset to become a superhero.

If you are new or getting back into the swing of things please don't try to be a superhero in your first week. -- You need to build a foundation with good technique and set (realistic) goals around showing up to earn the right to have a superhero workout. YOU ARE A SUPERHERO IN MY EYES FOR FINALLY GETTING OFF THE COUCH. You just took a huge step that the majority of Americans don't even do. GIVE YOURSELF CREDIT!!

The ratio of your superhero workouts (and even punch the clock workouts) will go down drastically if you are trying to go "beast mode" every single day. -- Your body needs time to recover. Whenever I see people adding a ton of workouts I make sure they designate some days as "light" days where the expectation is to just keep it moving. There is a reason some sessions are harder than others!

Compare workouts under the same exact conditions!-- This is why I am not a fan of pre-workouts! About a decade ago I abused these, and took too much caffeine. What goes up, comes down. When it comes down, you are going to be really down, for a long period of time. Your body knows where it's supposed to be. If you override this you will push yourself harder than normal at first and then end up......injured, doing workouts you can not recover from, and actually doing less OVER TIME. Stress hormones like cortisol will rise because of the caffeine, and make it harder to lose that stubborn fat. I am not saying you can't have your cup of coffee (or my favorite green tea:) but I am saying don't drink 5 cups of it!

Don't forget the boring stuff!! -- What should I do on my off days? I get this question all the time and the person is expecting me to say "run 5 miles, do 200 pushups, and then do 1000 crunches so the lower abs start to show." I tell them "you need to go for a walk, use the foam roller, plan your meals, do some flexibility work, and then lets set up a time to talk over your specific cardiovascular/conditioning plan." They do not like this. They would rather walk 500 miles, and then walk 500 more, just to be the person that walks 1000 miles, to justify the pizza and beer. THE MAGIC IS IN DOING WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOW YOU SHOULD BE DOING! THIS IS HARD. THIS IS THE MAIN REASON YOU NEED US TO HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE TO DOING THEM!!

If you have been training consistently for years, or decades, then you really need to work with an expert to plan things out. -- The longer someone has been training consistently, the longer it takes me to write their program design. It's not a matter of just lift more weight than last week anymore. I start adjusting variables like rep ranges, rest periods, and more than anything planning their recovery and outside activities. You can't chase 10 goals at one time anymore. When you first started everything improves drastically. Progress is not going to be linear anymore! I plan low intensity weeks on purpose for these people. It sets them up for more super hero workouts, over time!!

It is always what you can do over time!! The magic is not in a 2 to 4 week program or chasing the next big thing in the fitness industry! We get results with members because we allow them to compare themselves to themselves. Just a little better than yesterday is what we are going for! We hold them accountable! We also make things interesting so it is not the same boring workout each time!

If you are ready to feel like a superhero hit the reply button so we can schedule your FREE SUCCESS SESSION! We not only have the best workout in town, but we also coach the other 23 hours of the day better than anyone. It's going to take more than working out to reach your goals. YOU NEED A COACH TO HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE! YOU NEED A TEACHER TO EDUCATE YOU so you don't end up falling for the same lose 50lbs overnight because of our cool little gadget or supplement!

Detric Smith

P.S. - Have a friend that can benefit from our coaching and training services? Forward over the email and have them reply to get a FREE SUCCESS SESSION learn more!
P.P.S- our new small group times were a hit this past week! Still time to register and reserve your spot! No contract associated with this so hit reply if you would like more information