Is your foundation Weak?

Published: Sun, 11/12/17


Is your foundation weak?

If your foundation is weak you are the person who will start and stop programs over and over again. If you have a strong foundation you can make any program work! During the free success session we take the time to find your specific  bottleneck. We find out what is holding you back from reaching your goals. An example of just a few things we discuss are below........

Diet-(not required but no extra charge for our members if the goal is fat loss)
*food prep
*grocery list 
*realistic goal setting 
*time blocking 
*satiety- protein, fiber, water, nutrient analysis 
*hunger vs habit?
*reduce the frequency/amount of trigger foods..not just saying don't eat this! 
*reasonable substitutes for those foods
*progress, not perfection

I can get results with someone who eats 6 times per day or someone who follows intermittent fasting. I can get results with someone who is a vegan or someone who follows a paleo diet. I get you to remove the stupid names you have for your diets and focus on principles. Only then will you find something that works, long term. 

*mobility, balance, flexibility, posture 
*cardiovascular health 
*strength assessment/weaknesses
*risk:reward  analysis for exercises so you don't get injured! 
*find your starting point based on your previous exercise history (level system)
*intensity sweet spot
*time blocking
*realistic goal setting
*.....showing up to your sessions! 

I can get results with quite a few different exercise programs after I help you build a strong foundation. Most people get frustrated when they can't perform an exercise the right way or their program does not work. I take the time to see if its a mobility issue? strength? if the exercise is even needed to reach your goals? It's called actually listening and looking at the big picture. Sadly most so called fitness "professionals" skip this part! 

The consultation is  way more than that of course! We take the time to go over medical history, explain the programs, and see what has worked or not worked for you in the past. If you skip the process of building a strong foundation you will just end up frustrated and nothing will work! You will be the person who loses the same 10 pounds over and over again but can't keep it off!  

I don't believe in a one size fits all program which is why we have so many different options. Some people love our groups with a level system, others prefer semi-private or even one on one. We have our metabolic reboot for fat loss, active ageing, and even our sports performance programs. We take the time to understand your budget, schedule,  and even have programs that do not involve a membership. 

Even with our $20,  28 day nutrition transformation program (,  I take the time to do  a no charge phone consult for those who are not even in the state of Virginia. I will tell you if its not a good fit or help you ease into it! 

The foundation of Results Performance Training  = Results and Relationships.  I left the big box gyms because my values did not align with theirs. We coach and teach when the others just train. We listen to your needs compared to those who just talk about having the best workout in the world. The other 23 hours count, and no one even comes close to coaching them the way we do. Fitness professionals should have to prove themselves before taking your money. Make them!

I also realize everyone is not a great fit for us. People that are a good fit for us value......

*Education- not exaggerated backed by science claims (AKA lies)
*See the value in fitness professionals, not overnight certified trainers 
*They are fun, and have a sense of humor
*Ready to become a part of something bigger than themselves (help the community)
*Coachable and ready to be held accountable to getting results 

Lack of experience, previous injuries, and failing other programs does not disqualify you....IT MAKES YOU THE PERFECT FIT!!  Don't worry, you will not be walking into a room with a bunch of super advanced people worrying about trying to keep up . Members choose us because a typical group class with an instructor who is not correcting technique is not a good fit for them. They choose us because these hardcore exercise programs that turn fitness into a competition with others is not for them. 

So HIT REPLY or send a text to 757 589 7028 to set up your free success session. A no charge meeting to dive into your specific goals. If you already know we are the perfect fit for you then HIT REPLY with your goals and we will send over the... services, prices, schedule, and any other information you are looking for. 

Detric Smith, CSCS, ACSM Exercise Physiologist