Training After Age 40?!

Published: Sun, 08/13/17

I admit I am not quite there yet ( being only 35:) but I spend all day, every day, training and writing programs for those who are not quite 20 anymore. The name of this article could also be.......

Training with a busy schedule

Training for those who have put in 2 decades of lifting, running, etc

Training around an injury

So let me give you a few tips ....

*** Ease back into it! -- You are not going to return back to your high school football and cheerleading days in the first week! Have some patience! Start slow and build a foundation with good technique, realistic goals, and just being consistent! This is why the free success session is so important before starting an exercise program. It is the reason we have a level system in place based on if you are a complete beginner or more advanced.

*** A specific exercise is not the end goal! -- I see people getting obsessed over one specific exercise, or form of training, versus what their actual end goal is! If your goal is to look better, feel better, and have more energy there is not a specific exercise that is going to get you there. The magic comes when you are working within a program that puts your needs first, and not just having everyone do the same thing.

*** A piece of equipment is just a tool to HELP you get the job done!--- A hammer is a great tool to have, but I hope you don't use it for every home improvement project. This is what happens when people get obsessed over a few pieces of equipment. We have things like battle ropes, kettlebells, sleds, landmine trainers, TRX, and other typical gym equipment. I am not attached to any of them, and you should not be either. They are all just tools to help you get the job done. When you hear someone act like there is magic behind their new booty blaster 5000 machine it's not true!

*** Modifications and Variations- One of the major things that make our group sessions different is our red light/green light system to work around injury. I meet with tons of people each week and it's a rare case that they are coming to me with no previous injury at all. You have to accept the fact that it's ok to modify things, especially in the group setting!

***Focus on what you are not doing-- If you are good at something, you will spend way more time doing more of it. If you have been running your entire life, you probably need more strength training. If you are the powerlifter-bodybuilder type then you probably need to spend more time doing some mobility/flexibility work. If you are the person who just does flexibility work then balance it out with some strength training. Trust me when I say it will catch up with you. It might be 5, 10, or 15 years later but it will catch up to you!

*** Focus on what you can still do!--- People always obsess over what they can't do when they can still do so many exercises to keep them pushing towards their goals! Personally, I love the barbell when it comes to bench presses, deadlifts, and squats ( competed with them for a while) BUT IT'S NOT A TOOL I USE MUCH for myself, and those I work with. The exception might be the younger lifter who has shown they have the strength and mobility to use it the right way. It is a tool that worked very well for me in my 20s, but now after decades under that bar, it is not forgiving and causes more injuries than it helps. I had to change my programming around with different variations and new tools to keep me progressing towards my goals. I also had to keep the goal the goal!! Goals change over time, and this is fine.

***The injury is not where you feel the actual pain!--- For example when I see someone with a low back injury 9 times out of 10 I see some issues with hip mobility and flexibility. We address soft tissue with the foam roller before each session because its usually a missing link in most programs. That shoulder issue might come from terrible posture, and you probably need more rows compared to pushing over and over again. That knee issue might be coming from lack of ankle mobility. Your body is connected!

*** Are you training for the high jump, or to look good and feel better?--- Stop it with all the jumps! When I see programs that don't have modifications ready for those who can't handle this it's a recipe for disaster. Think about the big picture and we even have people remove all the getting up and down also.

*** If you have kids, stress, own a business, a crazy boss, or any of the other things that come along with living that adult life THEN MAKE SURE THE PROGRAM FITS YOUR BUSY LIFESTYLE! -- Yeah go ahead and try that 7 day per week body part split and see how it works. There is a reason our sessions cover dynamic flexibility, static flexibility, strength, cardio (without a boring treadmill), mobility, soft tissue quality, balance, and just about everything in that 45 minute period. We give you a total body workout and address cardio without a boring treadmill. When you time block consider real life.

***Learn how to train when life hands you lemons-- Plan for it. Deal with it. It will happen. When I see people say "well now is the not the right time to start or sign up because everything in my life is not perfect yet"...I cry, laugh, go Samuel l Jackson on a med ball, and then scream at my computer to resist the urge to punch through it. THIS. IS. THE. REASON. YOU. NEED. US. THE. MOST!!! This is the reason I started Results!!! That big box gym, or franchise that pops up every other week, does not care about you when life starts getting rough. They don't have coaches!! You need help with the other 23 hours!! And if you have recently picked up some momentum with your fitness program, don't just stop because you did not lose 50lbs in the past 3 weeks.

***It's time to prioritize you!! - Hopefully you want to see your kids grow up, have the energy to help your parents, and just overall live your life! Good luck doing those things if you don't have your health. Block it out on your calendar, and get some help!! Where is your money and your time going now? If it's towards fast food, or keeping up the Kardashians, then you need to HIT THE REPLY BUTTON right around now-ish. Make the decision first. Don't try to figure it out first. This is where we come in! I know you have been jaded by the fitness industry, and for good reason.....BUT WE ARE DIFFERENT! I have seen people with worst circumstances who made a few sacrifices, and it was the best decision of their life ..

So are you ready to own this week or not?! Take it one day at a time. One hour at a time. It's not easy, but at some point you have to make a decision!


P.S. If you are interested in a free one on one success session to learn more about our NEW SMALL GROUP SERVICES, or learn more about different packages, then HIT REPLY!

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