Can you Lose 2 Pounds this week?!

Published: Sun, 07/09/17


Can you lose 2 pounds of fat this week? Without a doubt fat loss is the number one goal for our members.  In most cases the hardest part is just staying focused. Lets take it one day at a time, build habits, and break that big goal in to what has to happen today! Don't worry about results, focus on the process. Below are a few tips..

If your goal is to lose 10, 20, 30 lbs over a period of whenever this does not mean much. Let it motivate you, but saying something like "I will lose 1 to 2lbs this week" usually works better.

Don't obsess over the scale though. Weigh yourself once a week at the same time under the same conditions. Take advantage of the consultation so we can track muscle, bodyfat, inches, etc.

Take a before pic! This is a huge motivator and great way to track progress.

Stay away from the diet mentality. Lets focus on building habits. There is no reason to lose the weight just to put it back on.

Send over a food log during your first week, and even better if you can for the duration. It really helps at first to make you aware of just how many calories you are getting from your weakness.

You have strengths! I am pretty sure  there are some fruits, veggies, lean protein sources, quality carbs, and good fats you enjoy. Think and prepare them in advance.

You have weaknesses because you are human. Take some time to think about how you will overcome this. You do not have to eliminate them, but you do have to reduce the frequency, amount, and then we also help you find good substitutes.

Make it harder to eat the junk! If its around your house you will eat it. Try to remove them from the house or at least make sure its not visible. The same thing while you are at work.

I usually find the trigger for when you eat those foods. If it's late at night I might look at when you are eating protein throughout the day, or replace this with a good habit.

Plan the time to plan. Block out the time on your calendar to just sit down and think about how you are going to make this work! Maybe its Sunday. Maybe you set a stop watch for 10 minutes every night and just think about what you will eat tomorrow and how you will avoid the junk.

Do it your way!! At the end of the day its calories in, calories out. There are not too many set in stone rules. The last 80 diet books you read will make you think so, but its not that complicated. If you talk with me, and we put some thought in to your plan, then you will follow your plan. If you say "Detric just tell me what to eat" then you will eat that way.....for 3 weeks. You will then go right back to what you were doing before.

Let me sum up every diet book written--They all trick you in to eating more protein. They make sure you get in enough water. They all make sure the majority of your carb sources are full of fiber and nutrients. If you eat more protein then you will be full and eat less. Eat carbs with a high percentage of fiber and micronutrients then you will not be as hungry and you will be removing the junk.

Why the diet will not work--  They use clever marketing to make it seem like the secret is to remove _____. When you remove ___ your chance of staying on the plan goes down. When you even think about removing ___ you are constantly thinking about that food! You become what you think, or in this case you eat a lot of it, when you stop the diet.

Focus on having a plan YOU can execute and sustain over time. This is why we have the 30 min. consultation before you start up so we can discuss what has worked and not worked for you.

You can not focus on 13 things this week! Make a list of 2 to 3 things you will do better this week. In most cases this is all it takes. I show people the math behind fat loss when I am consulting with them. I show them how just changing this one thing will cause them to lose a pound or 2 over the next week or 2.

Get a coach!! Stop going at this alone! Respond to this email with your challenges and goals so I can help. It's also a great idea to have friends join you! Feel free to forward this email and we can get them signed up for our newsletter. Next week I want you to respond to tell me you lost the 2lbs this week!

So hit reply and tell me how I can help. Even, and especially if, you are not a member. My goal is to add more value through a free newsletter than all these other gyms do with their membership.  The difference is coaching, leadership, accountability, and education. It is not a piece of equipment. There is no magic workout that is going to burn a million calories for so many hours after you leave. You have to work hard, but you also have to work smart.

If you are ready to get results then hit that reply button. The next exercise plan or diet book is not going to work unless you have a coach by your side holding you accountable.
